Kdy: | Zpátky do kalendáře » 03.08.2013 – 04.08.2013(celodenní) | |
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Kontaktní osoba: | Charles Williams cjwreachout@yahoo.com |
2013 Open German Slow Pitch Championship
Otevřené Mistrovství Německa coed slowpitch
Coed v tomto případě znamená 8+2.
Hraje se 3.-4.8.2013
Turnaj je pro 18 týmů.
V případě dotazů kontaktujte pořadatele.
Hello European Softballers,
I would like to take the time and invite your team if your interested, to attend the Tournament we are hosting Aug. 3-4, 2013, the Open German Slow Pitch Championship in Gunzenhausen, Germany, Aug. 3-4, 2013, if your interested in placing a team I have 7 slots left. This is a 18 team Tournament and any team can enter, no matter where you live, I have teams attending from Germany, Slowenien, the US, Italy and the Netherlands, if you have any questions feel free to contact me anytime. I have attached the invite.
Charles Williams
Vice President
BBK Softball Team
Tomáš Rambousek
+420 608 422 351
Česká slowpitchová liga, z.s.
Olšová 354
530 06 Pardubice
Czech republic
IČ 04629191
Datová schránka: 4j9shvg
Fio banka
číslo účtu: 2700920253 / 2010
IBAN: CZ1220100000002700920253
Bank address
Fio banka, a.s.
V Celnici 1028/10
Praha 1
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